Sunday, April 21, 2013

Question Posed to Shaykh Muhammad Alee Farkoos (may Allaah preserve him)

QIs it established that an older person can perform the Aqeeqah for himself?

A.  It has been established in the Sunnah by way of two routes, on the authority of Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him):  

"The Prophet performed an Aqeeqah on himself after becoming a Prophet"
(Musannaf of Abdur-Razaaq: 3/ 204, 799- Declared Hasan by al-Imaam al-Albaani in as-Silsilatus-Saheehah 6/1/502)

Some of the Salaf have held the position of practicing it. Ibn Seereen (may Allaah have mercy upon him) said:

"If I knew that an Aqeeqah wasn't performed on me I would have definitely performed it for myself." (Musannaf of Ibn Abee Shaybah 5/111 # 24,226- Authenticated by al-Imaam al-Albaani in as-Silsilatus-Saheehah 6/1/506)

On al-Hasan al-Basree (may Allaah have mercy upon him):

"If an Aqeeqah wasn't performed upon you, perform one for yourself even if you're a man."
(Ibn Hazm in al-Muhallaa 8/322- Declared to be Hasan by al-Imaam al-Albaani in as-Silsilatus-Saheehah 6/1/506)

Based upon this, it is recommended for the man to perform the Aqeeqah for himself in place of his father. That's due to the slaughtering (of the animal) being an obligation upon the father. The obligation remains even after he (the child) has become older if it is easy (to perform it). If he doesn't perform it, it is permissible for the act to be done on his (i.e. the father's) behalf. That's because it is from the acts of worship performed by way of wealth which allows by way of legislation the act to be performed on behalf of another. It is permissible in the acts of worship performed by way of wealth to be carried out on behalf of another, like in the Zakaah, endowments and other than from the acts of worship."

Taken from 40 Questions Regarding the Rules and Regulations of the Newborn by Shaykh Muhammad Farkoos (may Allaah preserve him), p.g 17-18 Q. #4

Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah